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I have completed my tenth class sucessfully.Now I want to study Intermediate (11th class) andmy dream is to study in IIT.So I have joined in Narayana IIT academy in hostel.But I went there without any IIT foundation (in school level) and they do not say basics of iit and I have got information that to crack JEE we should have complete grip on the subject and all concepts.So I think that to get that complete grip on subject online education is another way and I want to leave hostel and join iit academy near my house (same narayana branch) and besides offline coachingif I study online ,both can give me total knowledge on the subject which is useful to crack JEE and the other reason is that I can get many doubts clarified.So is this decision correct?Please help me because its my dream and my future.

Saketh , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Hi saketh
See dear, it is good that you want to complete your dream. But you should choose between one only- I mean you can manage either online coaching or either offline.
Beleive me now you will think that i can manage both but after some days only you will understand the effect of this.I suggest you to go for online coaching and self study. See you are a serious student and you not need any motivation or competition like thing to get motivation to studY. So simply choose an online coaching and self study. You will surely crack IIT with good rank and do not worry there is no need of some special foundation course in 9th or 10th. What matters is the most is these two years in which you have to work seriously
Regards Sahil
Please let me know if you have more doubts

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