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I am left over with vast syllabus & covering very few startingtopics around 10% portion starting from mid-auguest ,is it possible for me to cover whole syllabus upto end of January with self study & resonance dlp? how should i plan for it ,to increase speed? or i join crash course of fitjee?

Pranav Dabhade , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

@ pranav 
yes , u can complete the course by the end of january , if u can plan up a time table , 
frst of all as u are a dropper then donot focus more on those topics which u have mastry , and u knows that any ques irrespective of difficulty level , if ask from those chap , then u can answer , 
so, just focus on where u loose marks in 2016 jee exam . 
and by that keep testing yourself in each and evry 5 days as thats imp , and most imp thjing , dnt forget anything what u studied till now , that will result in frustration . 
and resonnace dlp is a bit long i guess , so, donot study full content , only imp one but u need to do all ques of dpp . 

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