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I am a jee 2016 aspirant.i wasn’t motivated from the beginning .there were many instances when I got highly motivated . i was in top ten(in my batch) in some tests.I used to love studying and studied the whole day without getting bored.however this period of motivation couldn’t last long due my silly preparation mistake ,poor test scores. The institute I was enrolled in provided us with the worst teachers,sometimes they even taught wrong concepts.they didn’t provide us with regular assignments .also the booklets/test doubts were mostly not discussed,hence I didn’t solve the booklets seriously.I didn’t had a good friend circle(I was introvert).due all these reasons I performed unsatisfactorily in jee mains 2016.i do believe in myself. I believe that if I avoid all these mistakes and join a good coaching class I will surely be able to crack IIT as it has been the only aim of my life . so should I take a drop?

tarun gupta , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Harsh Patodia

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Definitely. Please share your contact details. We will guide and motivate you properly.

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