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hello sir,i am now in class 12. i am aspiring for both jee mains and advanced 2017. in class 11 i couldn’t complete the full syllabus. now class 12 has began.some of my friends think that i cannot score marks in any exam. but they don’t know me well. please guide me how should i study so that i can utilise my full potential in my studies and can overcome pressure and bring success in my life and crack every exa. i know that i can do well but still i do not have that motivation. so please guide me.

koushik kashyap , 8 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

hello kashyap
nothing is impossible, the thing is to believe in yourself. in this year corelates the chapter so you can cover class 11 and class 12 syllabus together.
for example chapter1 of physics of class 12 and chapter 8 of physics class 11 i.e. gravitation are related. use sundays and holidays.
keep confidence in yourself.make study programs or use study planner by askiitians. manage time
thanx and approve my answer

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