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am confusedwho is getting coaching from fitjee delhi ??..and11th nd 12 th study which school option is better??? dummy class is good ??weekend classesbetter to prepare iits and also got min 90 percent in 12th ..

naren , 9 Years ago
Grade 8
anser 1 Answers
Mohit Kumar

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

always go doe regular schooling as it will inculcate ma y necessary qualitties in you and you can join a good coaching institute with weekend classes …..... and go for 95 percent marks as it is easy to score 95 in cbse..... so do your best …...... and doing good in exams like jee depends only upon your hardwork and knowledge ...and not because you have joined good coaching institute........ so do hardwork and try to understand the physical significance of evry concept as this will help you a lot in jee advanced..... and also the pattern of jee exam would change from 2016 and their would be a screening text which is somewhat similar to aptitude test and to qualify that no coaching institute would give you any practice …... and you should be knowing that the government has taken this decision to chnage the pattern of exam in order to  close this growing coaching industry....... so better to join any coaching industry on weekend basis just to get that extra brush up........

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