Statement 1: if the tangent at any point is equallyInclined to both the axes thendy/dx=(+or -)1Statement:2 : if the tangent at any point makesan equal intercept on thecoordinate axes then dy/dx =-1 Are these two statements correct ?? If yes , then my doubt is that if a line is given and itis equally inclined to the axesthen it will also make equal intercepts with the axes.Then both the statements will be true simultaneously. Then what will bethe slope of the line--( +or - 1) or - 1
sreya r , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
Deepak Kumar Shringi
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
intercept can be negative so its possible that x intercept is 1 and y is -1 in that case m=-1
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