Flag Differential Calculus> help soon........please question attached...
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help soon........please question attached......................................................................................................................

milind , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Sri Harsha Kavalipati

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

I think it is option D (does not exist)
Because for the function to be differentiable at a point, the curve should be continuous and smooth...
which means that slopes of both graphs should be equal at that point and even the value of f(x) should be the same...
Case 1:
Slopes are equal...
Take the derivate of both graphs and equate...
2mx=2   (at x=1)
Which implies m=1
Case 2:
Curve is continuous
f(x) values should be same
mx2 = 2x
For x=1
Both the m values are different 
So curve is not differentiable at that point

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