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1. Lt n→ ∞ sin 2[π√((n!)2-n!)]2. Ltx→0 ({x})1/x + (1/x){x} , (x>0,{.} denotes fractional part of x)please solve both the Questions.

sindhuja P , 15 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear sindhu

first question

Lt n→ ∞ sin 2  [π√((n!)2-n! )]

or Lt n→ ∞ sin 2  [∏n!√( 1-1/n! )]

apply limit part inside the root will become 1

and n! is very large nimber but it is a even number.

so Lt n→ ∞ sin 2  [∏n!√( 1-1/n! )] = sin 2  [∏*even number]



For second question

Ltx→0 ({x})1/x + (1/x){x}


as limit tends to zero {x}=x

  so Ltx→0 ({x})1/x + (1/x){x} =Ltx→0 (x)1/x + (1/x)x

   apply limit

      Ltx→0 (x)1/x + (1/x)x       = 0 +1=1

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