
lim x tends to infinity [ln (x^2 + e^x)]/ln[(x^4 + e^(2x))] ?

lim x tends to infinity [ln (x^2 + e^x)]/ln[(x^4 + e^(2x))] ?


1 Answers

chandradeep pokhariya
29 Points
11 years ago

Limx-infinity  [ln (x2+ ex)]/[ln ( x4+ex)]

So expanding ex and e2x we get;

Linx-infinity [ln (x2+1+x+x+x2/2!+.........)]/[ln(x4+1+2x+(2x)2/2!........)] 

So taking xn common in numerator and denominator we can apply limit and    ln (x^n)/ln(x^n) will be obtained so they can be cancelled and the answer will be 1

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