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Suppose two students at your school start a rumor. How could we describe the spread of the rumor throughout the school population? Could we determine a functionSsuch thatS(t)approximates the number of people that know the rumor at a time arbitrary timet,wheretis measured in, say, hours?
We'll begin by trying to decide what the graph ofSmight look like. Assume thatMis the population of your school and thatMis sufficiently large that it makes sense to model discrete numbers of students with a continuous function. Thus, ifS(3) = 127.8, we'll predict that the number of students who know the rumor after3hours is approximately128.
HereMis the total number of students in the school andkis a constant that depends on both the juiciness of the rumor the average number of contacts between students. Remember that the symbolsSanddS/dtare not constants, but functions oft.
We assume thatkincreases with juiciness and with an increase in the average number of contacts. Thus, ifdS/dtsatisfies this relation, then the rate of spread of the rumor is greater for juicy rumors than it is for "dry" rumors and increases as the average number of contacts increases. So we have satisfied two of the four conditions listed above.
also incorporates our two additional conditions (restated below).
is called a "first-order differential equation" since it involves only the function and itsfirstderivative. On the other hand, the differential equation
is asecond-orderdifferential equation.
does not include all the factors you listed that control the rate of spread of the rumor. If you feel that a factor has been omitted, explain why, and rewrite the differential equation to include this factor.
under what circumstances will the rate of spread of the rumor will be0? ( There is more than one.)
RuchiAskiitians Faculty
Askiitians Faculty
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