
If lim x tends 0 (acosx + bxsinx - 5)/x^5 is a finite value, find a & b

If lim x tends 0
(acosx + bxsinx - 5)/x^5 is a finite value, find a & b


3 Answers

nikhil arora
54 Points
12 years ago

a=5 , b belongs to  R

G Narayana Raju
51 Points
12 years ago

by L Hôpitals rule,

after differentiating five times ,as the limit tends to zero the value tends to the value of a and b can be anything.

Neha Gaur
6 Points
12 years ago
as xtends to 0,acosx +bxsinx -5)-->a-5 & denominator-->0 limit is finite if a-5=0i.e. a=5 so that it gets 0/0 form &limit can be found lim x-->0 (acosx + bxsinx -5)/x^5 (-asinx+b(xcosx+sinx))/5x^4 (-acosx+b(x(-sinx)+2cosx))/20x^3 =limx-->0 (-acosx-bxsinx+2bcosx)/20x^3 similarly (-a+2b)=0=>b=5/2

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