
f(x)=(4(with power x)-1)(with whole power 3)/ (sine of(x/4))* log(1+x(power2)/3) is contonuous at x=0?


f(x)=(4(with power x)-1)(with whole power 3)/ (sine of(x/4))* log(1+x(power2)/3)     

is contonuous at x=0?


3 Answers

Viral A. Parmar
41 Points
13 years ago

yes it is continues

Sanjeev Malik IIT BHU
101 Points
13 years ago

f(x)=       (4x-1)3


       sin(x/4) *  log(1+x2/3)


see that by putting x=0 it gives 0/0 form. so  U CAN APPLY "L HOSPITAL RULE"(differentiating numerator and denominator independently)

now it is,

         3* (4x-1)2 * log4 * 4x


cos(x/4)*log(1+x2/3)+ sin(x/4)*2/3*1/(x)1/3*1/(1+x2/3)

again 0/0 form by putting the same thing as earlier.

it may be long bt this is the concept...keep on differentaing till we get 0/0 form or infinity/infinity form.

other option may be by expanding the gaven things using binomial expansion.


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Viral A. Parmar
41 Points
13 years ago

at least say yes to the reply yar>.......

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