
if F(x)= integral -1 to x mod(t) dt. then can we say that F'(x)= mod(x) if yes then F(x) must be continous because F'(x) i.e. mod(x) is continous. but this is not so as on expanding the expression of F(x) we see that it is discontinous.. plz solve my problem because in the solution of this question it was written that F(x) is continous as its derivative is continous i.e mod(x)..

if F(x)= integral -1 to x mod(t) dt.

then can we say that F'(x)= mod(x)

if yes then F(x) must be continous because F'(x) i.e. mod(x) is continous. but this is not so as on expanding the expression of F(x) we see that it is discontinous.. plz solve my problem because in the solution of this question it was written that F(x) is continous as its derivative is continous i.e mod(x)..


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


Even on expanding the expression u get a continuous function , expand it using conditions fr t> 0 & t < 0 seperately and find the expression. Its a simple quadratic form which is continous everywhr. So, i think u did not expand it correctly, pls check it once again.

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