Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> which is better ece in iit roorke or mech...
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which is better ece in iit roorke or mechanical in iit kharagpur 

jakka yeswanth , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

ece is the best engneering branch.mechanical also good one but now a days ece is the best one.i advice you to choose what your are interest that one you choose.it is better for your life.....................all the best.............................

Aneesh Sehgal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Dear Student, both the branches are good and assure a good future. Electronics for PR in a foreign land and Mechanical for both industry as well as academics. 
ECE has a wide scope to fly sabroad and get settled over there  and Mechanical has a wider scope in industry as well as in Academics, so , both the branches are quite capable to open number of avanuesw for the students. Now coming to the instututions – IIT Roorkee and Kharagpur are equally strong competetitors in the filed of quality education as well as sound placement records. If you still are confused, I may suggest you some other elite class institutions where the students are committed with assured success in all the walks of life and guaranteed placements as well, these institutions are – Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbtore,....................Alliance College of Engineering and Design,Bangalore,.......................Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

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