
What rank should I achieve in JEE Advanced, if I want to get into IIT Bombay for Mechanical Engineering?

What rank should I achieve in JEE Advanced, if I want to get into IIT Bombay for Mechanical Engineering?


3 Answers

104 Points
6 years ago
In general, an aliphatic compound (sometimes referred to as an alkane) is primarily characterized by the fact that all of the carbon-carbon bonds that make up the skeleton of the molecule are single bonds. That means no double or triple carbon-carbon bonds of any kind are allowed.EG. HEXANE PENTANE ETC. An aromatic organic compound is characterized by the fact that they contain both a ring structure and a network of alternating double-single-double-single bonds all around the ring. The most common example of an aromatic compound is BENZENE m.
104 Points
6 years ago
I`m really sorry my friend . I was mistaken of the question.
121 Points
6 years ago
you should get around 800-1000 rank in jee advanced to pursue mechanical engineering in iit bombay

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