Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> sir what to choose 1.Biotechnology at IIT...
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sir what to choose1.Biotechnology at IIT Guwahati,Roorke2.engineering physics at IIT Guwahati,Hyderabad,3.Agriculture at Kharagpur,4.System science at IIT jodhpur,5.Metallurgy at roorke,varanasi6.Petroleum Eng with Mtech at ISM,7.Applied Mathematics at IIT Roorkeor 8.CSE at MNNIT Allahabd.What is the scope and average salary of Applied mathematics at iits?

Pushkar Kumar , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Apoorva Arora

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Hi,Applied mathematics has a great scope these days and it is the top branch among all the IMSc branches. Placement opportunities are great and people are paid very nicely. Also petroleum engineering promises a lot pf money. And If you are an IT job person you can go for CSE. Out of these, the branch which you choose should be the one you are interested in.Thanks and RegardsApoorva AroraIIT RoorkeeaskIITians Faculty


Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Metallurgical and Material Sciences at IIT Roorkee is a good option for you if you want the IIT tag.ISM Dhanbad is not a great institute(it’s not an IIT yet).The infrastructure isn’t very good either.Eventhough Msc Maths at IIT Roorkee is pretty great what it does not give you is a B.tech degree.Don’t opt for NITs either.Join IIT.Do an MBA later.

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