Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> sir is it better to take civil in iit kgp...
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sir is it better to take civil in iit kgp or to take cse in new iits

G VINAY , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Vineet Vinayak

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

PLEASE CHOOSE THE BRANCH THAT YOU LOVE BY LOOKING AT WHAT EACH BRANCH WILL ALLOW YOU TO DO. PLACEMENTS ARE USELESS. THEY ARE TEMPORARY. IF YOU REALLY WANT GOOD CAREER GROWTH TAKE THE DEPT OF YOUR LIKING.  if you love cs go for it. cs kgp is better than cs roorkee. but you cant compare 2 different branches. dont suffer by taking a branch that you dont like just because of the institute name. for a given branch, compare institutes, and not the other way around. one guy took cs thinking it gives good placements. he finally realized that he loved mechanical a lot, and suffered for 4 years, after which he took an mtech in mech. hes doing very well in singapore. so please think abut the stream first and then college. of course new iits, except hyd are not really good, so be careful. better not go to the new iits, try iiit h and bits pilani to get better courses and faculty. civil can be a horrible subject for those not interested, so be careful. better look at other courses in older iits or try iiith or bits pilani.
all the best 

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