Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> sir i will get following please rank them...
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sir i will get following please rank them
iit k m&c is bsc
iit w(gow)m&c b tech
iit g(kharag)m&c msc
should i neglect first and last as they are msc and bsc or they also should be considered
are they considerable branches to btech m&c in placements and oppertunities

t sai teja , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Sourabh Singh

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Yes for the time being if you are interested in technical degree you should consider Btech. But if you are going for the future prospects of your degree Msc N BSc is also a good option. In the end the knowledge level of your subject will play the key role in shaping up your future .If you are sound in your knowledge then degree will not be a barrier inh your success.

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