Sir, I have secured a 1888 rank in jee advanced 2015, please suggest a suitable branch in a suitable iit for me in terms of placement.
Jatin Bansal , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
3 Answers
Sunil Kumar
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Hi If you are getting core branches in the top five IIT’s : IIT Kharagpur IIT Kanpur IIT Delhi IIT Bombay IIT Madras Then you should go for that. You can go for the branch in the order of : CS EE ECE ME CIVIL
Jatin Bansal
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Sir, I am getting civil and chemical engineering in all IIT’s including Delhi and Bombay, whereas I am getting electrical and mechanical engineering only in IIT Roorkee. Can You tell which is a better career option w.r.t to placement :
Electrical at Roorkee
Civil at Bombay
Sunil Kumar
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Hi Civil at Bombay is a beter option. IIT Bombay is more repuated than Roorkee. You will get better oppurtunity at IIT B. And CIVIL is a core engineering branch. So I suggest you to go for that.
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