Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> sir i got 221 in jee advance exam and i w...
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sir i got 221 in jee advance exam and i want to join any of old 7 iitsi am intrested in packages and opertunities . i know that cse have more opertunities. will iget cse in any of them if ididn’t get it should i take mathematis and computing in iit gowahati or eebranch in any old iits. what is my expected rank

t sai teja , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Apoorva Arora

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

You can predict your rank in JEE Advanced with the help of the following provided link.
Compare your rank with previous year cut-off of various institutes. This will give you an idea of the various branches in different institutes open for you.
Definitely, CSE has greater opportunities with respect to placements and packages. If you dont get it you should go for EE branch in any old IITs. It doesn’t mean that Mathematics and computing is not good but I am suggesting you as per your preferences in future.
Thanks and Regards
Apoorva Arora
IIT Roorkee
AskIITians Faculty

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