Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> Sir, I am getting 218 in jee advance’14. ...
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Sir, I am getting 218 in jee advance’14. Should I go for BS Economics IIT Kanpur or Engg Physics/Energy System Engg IIT BOMBAY? Should i give preference to IIT Bombay?

Kartikey Bhargav , 10 Years ago
anser 4 Answers
bharat bajaj

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Your predicted JEE Advanced 2014 Rank is between1101and1200
Why dont you take any other branch like Chemical, Civil .. Yes, you should give pref. to IIT Bombay. Engg. physics is a good branch..

According to the data of last year as released by IIT, Your possible Branch & Institute can be one of the following.
Name of InstituteCourse CodeCourse Name
IIT BombayB4101Aerospace Engineering
IIT BombayB4107Chemical Engineering
IIT BombayB4109Civil Engineering
IIT BombayB5226Energy Engineering with M.Tech. in Energy Systems Engineering
IIT BombayB5229Engineering Physics with M.Tech. in Engineering Physics with specialization in Nano Science
IIT DelhiD4107Chemical Engineering
IIT DelhiD4109Civil Engineering
IIT DelhiD4117Engineering Physics
IIT DelhiD4136Production and Industrial Engineering
IIT KharagpurG4125Mechanical Engineering
IIT KharagpurG5222Electrical Engineering with M.Tech. in any of the listed specializations
IIT HyderabadH4110Computer Science and Engineering
IIT KanpurK4107Chemical Engineering
IIT KanpurK4202Economics
IIT KanpurK4203Mathematics and Scientific Computing
IIT KanpurK4204Physics
IIT MadrasM4117Engineering Physics
IIT MadrasM5210Chemical Engineering
IIT MadrasM5217Electrical Engineering
IIT MadrasM5218Electrical Engineering with M.Tech in Applied Mechanics with specialization in Biomedical Engineerin
IIT MadrasM5237Mechanical Engineering (Intelligent Manufacturing)
IIT MadrasM5238Mechanical Engineering (Product design)
IIT RoorkeeR4111Electrical Engineering
IIT RoorkeeR4114Electronics and Communication Engineering
IIT RoorkeeR4125Mechanical Engineering
IIT(BHU) VaranasiV4110Computer Science and Engineering
IIT GuwahatiW4110Computer Science and Engineering
IIT GuwahatiW4114Electronics and Communication Engineering

Bharat Bajaj
IIT Delhi
askiitians faculty


Last Activity: 10 Years ago

IIT Delhi Production and Industrial engineering.


Last Activity: 10 Years ago

IIT Delhi Production>IIT Roorkee ECE>IIT Delhi Chemical>IIT Kharagpur Mechanical

Vineet Vinayak

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

PLEASE CHOOSE THE BRANCH THAT YOU LOVE BY LOOKING AT WHAT EACH BRANCH WILL ALLOW YOU TO DO. PLACEMENTS ARE USELESS. THEY ARE TEMPORARY. IF YOU REALLY WANT GOOD CAREER GROWTH TAKE THE DEPT OF YOUR LIKING. Electrical and mec infact have much more use than cs in industries. cs can be learnt even after you finish electrical, as we guys use it a lot to do our electrical projects. but if you love cs go for it. cs kgp is better than cs roorkee. but you cant compare 2 different branches. dont suffer by taking a branch that you dont like.chem or prod or civil can be horrible unless you are interested in them or want more time to prepare for upsc or cat. for a given branch, compare institutes, and not the other way around. one guy took cs thinking it gives good placements. he finally realized that he loved mechanical a lot, and suffered for 4 years, after which he took an mtech in mech. hes doing very well in singapore. so please think abut the stream first and then college.
all the best 

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