
My rank in JEE ADVANCED is 1958. I want to join the Engineering Physics program. I have a choice to join IIT Madras or IIT Delhi. Which one should I choose. Does it make a difference that I belong to North India.ThanksSrijan

My rank in JEE ADVANCED is 1958. I want to join the Engineering Physics program. I have a choice to join IIT Madras or IIT Delhi. Which one should I choose. Does it make a difference that I belong to North India.ThanksSrijan

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

115 Points
7 years ago
you should choose iit delhi as it is better records show as you belong to northyou will be better thereanyway it is torally upon you.
3773 Points
7 years ago
You should keep these points in mind while selecting the college
1.First see whether you are getting a branch of your interest or not as it is most important thing
2.If you are not getting a branch of interest at delhi campus go for madras.
3.If you are getting same branch at both places, go for delhi as in Madras there will be a quite different case

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