
My JEE mains score is 275 and CBSE 97.2%.JEE Advanced score is 191. BITs – 338.Expected to get Electronics and Instrumentation in Pilani and also getting CS in IIIT Hyd , NSIT and DTU. IIT rank however is around 3000. Should I take up New EE at IIT ropar to get into IIts. Pls advise on your preferences.

My JEE mains score is 275 and CBSE 97.2%.JEE Advanced score is 191. BITs – 338.Expected to get Electronics and Instrumentation in Pilani and also getting CS in IIIT Hyd , NSIT and DTU. IIT rank however is around 3000. Should I take up New EE at IIT ropar to get into IIts. Pls advise on your preferences.


3 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago
You should join cs at DTU, it has nice scope.
sher mohammad
faculty askiitians, iit delhi
12 Points
10 years ago
On what basis we can get DTU ? My son expecting 197 in advance.. 219 he got in mains,, 89.2% in 12th. Please advsie 
kavish Dwivedi
94 Points
10 years ago
With 275, you can get 4/5 year CSE at IIIT H. Its far far better than NSIT, DTU and even the IITs except that IIT B CSE and IIT K CSE are almost of similar level.

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