
my brother rank in KIITEEE is 13900 general can he get admission in electronics and tele communication for dual degree please answer soon L….….….….….….….….….….….….…....

my  brother  rank  in KIITEEE is  13900    general  can he  get    admission   in   electronics  and tele communication    for   dual degree
please   answer soon L….….….….….….….….….….….….…....

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Sanjeev Anand
28 Points
8 years ago
Electronics and Communication branch is a thing of past.It will be hard to get a job.Please avoid this branch.Electrical,Mechanical.Civil,Industrial Engg/Manufacturing etc are better and will have better job prospect.
Aneesh Sehgal
955 Points
8 years ago
Yes he may get an admission , but i suggest to come out of your home state and try at other equally good or rather more competent colleges or universities like – Institute of Enginering and Management, Kolkata,.............College of Engg., Pune,.........LPU, Phagwara,...........Bennet Uni, Greater Noida

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