
Is it possible and advisable for me to pursue robotics after doing a dual degree course in civil eng. are the skills required for pursuing this available by doing civil?

Is it possible and advisable for me to pursue robotics after doing a dual degree course in civil eng.
are the skills required for pursuing this available by doing civil?


1 Answers

Vineet Vinayak
22 Points
9 years ago
civil is not related to robotics at all. you should choose mech,electronix,electrical or cs. but if you are not getting it, take an easy course(m&c,instrumentation,geo,etc.) at an old IIT. dual civil can be a nightmare. try to take a 4 year course. better still go for BITS or IIITH or NITT/W/K if you are getting the above streams. dont get taken away by the name of the insti.
all the best. 

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