
Interested in doing MBA after Btech and that too involves 2 years of work experience after betch to do MBA. What would be good: fields may get IIT Kanpur: Biological Sciences and Bioengineering IIT roorkee: Metallurgy IIT Kaharagpur: Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture IIT Kaharagpur: Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering fields for sure: IIT BHU: metallurgy IIT Roorkee : biotechnology BITS Pilani : Manufacturing BITS Goa: EEE

Interested in doing MBA after Btech and that too involves 2 years of work experience after betch to do MBA. What would be good:
fields may get
IIT Kanpur:  Biological Sciences and Bioengineering
IIT roorkee: Metallurgy
IIT Kaharagpur: Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
IIT Kaharagpur: Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering
fields for sure:
IIT BHU: metallurgy
IIT Roorkee : biotechnology
BITS Pilani : Manufacturing

Grade:12th pass

3 Answers

askIITians Faculty 652 Points
9 years ago
As per the options you have given above, you should go for IIT if finally you have to go for an MBA degree. First of all it actually depends on your interest, which field you are more interested in since you actually have to spend 4 years for the same.
If you look at the placements, the status for all the above colleges is good enough.
Now, as you are not getting any core branch, you sholud choose the branch according to your interest rather than only going by the data base.
Hope you take a wise decission.
Saurabh Kumar
askIITians Faculty 2400 Points
9 years ago
As you wanted to do MBA after two year of work exp...then i would like to aDVICE YOU..
IIT R--Metallurgy
IIT Kgp--Ocean Engg and Naval Architecture
IIT BHU--Metallurgy
IIT Kanpur--Biological science and Engg
IIT Kgp – Biotechnology and Biochemical engg
BITS Pilani – Manufacturing
IIT R-- Biotechnology
askIITians Faculty 1241 Points
9 years ago
Doing an MBA course doesnt depends on the graduation branch. Its purely related to administration. In each and every branch yu’ll have a subject on administration in order to have basic idea. So the branch adoption doesnt reflects on MBA

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