Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> I want the list of all IIITs in india ?wh...
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I want the list of all IIITs in india ?what is the process to enter in IIITs ?

Koushik Nukala , 8 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 3 Answers

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

please visit
this is list of top 100 colege which take all iit. you have to pass jee exam to get into oot
thanks and approve my answer

Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

@ kaushik 
the IIIT stands for indian institute of information technology , and they spread in all over india , below are the list of iiit in india 
iiit allhabad , iiit gwalior , iiit bhubaneswar , iiit guwahati , iiit kota , iiit manipur , iiit trichy , etc. 
for complete list visit the wikipedia page , and u can see the askiitian blog pages also , 
For admission into iiit , u need to score a good rank in jee mains . not jee advanced , 
so, after qualifying jee main , u can enter into any one of the iiit , but the ranks need to be good enough , beacuse after NIT its the only good institution . 

Aneesh Sehgal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Dear Friend, you may get the list of all the IITs by visiting the link of askiitians or by surfing for it on google and to your second question, I may answer that one has to perform very well in JEE mains and Advanced, secondly it depends on the availability of seats as well. If you are unable to get a seat at IITs then this does not mean that you have been deprived of quality education, you may seek at some other chosen and highly reputed institutions where the students get quality education, best opportunity to excel in almost every field, to develop all round personality and thereafter to get best ever placements. You may choose any one out of these – Quantum School of Technology, Roorkee,........................Lovely professional University, Phagwara,.....................College of Engineering, Pune,....................College of Engineering, Trivandrum etc.

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