How many marks do I need to score in JEE Mains in order to secure a CS seat in IIIT Hyderbad? I am aware of the fact that it depends on the rank and has nothing to do with marks but still I need a rough estimate. Also, how many marks for VIT Vellore (Admissions from 2018 will be through JEE Mains and not VITEE) ?
MR21 , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
Umakant Biswal
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
dear student for iiit hyderabad , you need 225-235 marks for cs catagory . this college have high demand due to its placemenet reason . and in 2018 , vit will conduct viteee , and some seats are there which gets filled by jee mains . HOPE IT CLEARS kindly approve
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