
can you pl. guide for the best brach of each iit for which i ca apply

can you pl. guide for the best brach of each iit for which i ca apply


2 Answers

Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
8 years ago
Dear student,

There are many branches which are good, comparision varies from person to person and also on which parameter are we comparing ?

Aneesh Sehgal
955 Points
8 years ago
Before everything else you must tell me about your score in board and JEE, thereafter only I may suggest something...To be honest CSE/CIVIL/EEE?Biotech may take you to places, you may try at – Osmania University, Hyderabad,.....BITS Pilani,.........LPU, Punjab,..........Nirma University, Ahmedabad

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