Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> i am kind of diffrent student what do u t...
question mark

i am a little bit different all the teachers who teach me tells that i have great logic power and all my presentation people have even asked me to attempt for civil service exams. people think i can easily make up my own company and i have great grasping power and i respond quickly. but marks comes i am a normal student my marks are usually above class average but my % ranges from 60-75. my least scoring subject is chemistry . i have artistic talenta nd quiet good imaginative power. i ahve decided engineering as my subject and i am still confused with which branch i shoudl go for. i am an advanturous person and also i liek how things work and i like questioning things . please help me !


nikitha krishnan , 15 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear nikhitha

you have  great talent but you are not working hard .your talent is useless unless u will utilise it. if you are talented in one field and appearing for a exam of different field then your that talent will not help here.right now you are prepearing for your board and IIT JEE then you must work hard for IIT JEE .if you are adventures then this will not help you here .it will help you when you will do some advantures work.

the main tihing is that if you does not know a perticular concept .then even u can't solve the easiest question based upon that concept.

you said thet you have great grasping power then you solve different question from differnt books.you can easly build up your ocncept and you will start getting more marks.

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