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got rank of 2031.what should be my preference ;core branches in newer iit like iit ropar or production and industrial engineering,engineering physics in older iits

mona mona , 11 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Samir Raheja

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

People often go for the non-core branches like engineering physics and production engineering in what they suppose are better and higher ranked iits as opposed to the core branches in other iits. This practice is old fashioned and wrong. The core subject students are the ones which are prefered by the companies. CS, EC and Mechanical are very much preferable than the other non-core branches. 

Recently a Ropar iit student got a 57 lakh package this year and an another student got a 48 lakh package last year. 

So i will recommend the core branches instead of fighting for scraps in the non-core branches.

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