Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> BITS OR IIT BHU...
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Electrical with mtech in power electronics at IIT BHU or COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING at BITS PILANI! I want to pursue a career in computer software or hardware. Please help urgently!

Amitosh Anand , 12 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

ovously bits pilani...its cs is like cs of iit delhi

rajat k

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

I have different take on it. Yolu will get equal oppurtunities in Dual Electronics at BHU and CS Pilani but why not go for IIT tag. I will suggest IIT option because you worked so hard for it and you are getting such a good branch in established IIT then take it. You will find plenty of people there who left Pilani CS for non-cs branch.

Pilani CS is not similar to Delhi. I dont know why anyone will say that. There is guy from Pilani CS who took IIT-JEE again and he is joining not even BHU rather Hyderabad because his rank was not so high. If Pilani was like IIT-D then why anyone will waste one year after studying in Pilani CS. 

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