Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> Branch Selection...
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DearSir,From the syllabus point of view of B.Tech in ECE & CSE in IIT Roorkee & IIT Guwahati respectively . I will appreciate your advise based on the following facotors:-1.Teaching Staff2. IITRoorkee v/s IIT Guwahti Reputation in the industryPlease rank IIT Roorkee & IIT Guwahti under the folloing branches:-I. IIT Roorkee1. Computer Science2. ECE3. EEII. IIT Guwahti1. Computer Science2. ECEI will highly appreciate your ranking the above institue from 1 to 5 ranks .

VIRENDRA JAIN , 12 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Daer Virendra,

IIT Roorkee is better i terms of all the points mentioned by you.

as far as branch ranking is concerned , it must be based on your own interests.

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