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human resource is considered as an asset in an organization comment?

sindhu gowda , 12 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 1 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Dear Sindhu,

Human resources is a very important resource for any organization accounting for substantial costs and in addition having major impact on total effectiveness of the organization. The human resource function is concerned with acquiring, retaining and using this valuable resource effectively. This definitely cannot be considered a liability for any organization.

When human resource management function is carried out effectively and efficiently the contribution it makes to the increasing profitability and value of the organization is many time more than the expenses that needs to be incurred on human resources management.

Without effective human resource management an organization will not be able to find right kind of people to for doing the organizational work. The organization may on one hand be unable to get qualified people because it does not offer them the right kind for remuneration and working condition, and on the other hand pay too much money to to less suitable persons and assign them responsibilities and power much in excess of their capabilities.

The capable people who do join the organization may not be able to work effectively because of many factors like inappropriate organization structure, organizational culture, lack of effective cooperative working in the organization, and inadequate motivation. Under such condition the best people may leave the organization, while others who cannot find alternative jobs continue.

The cost losses incurred and opportunities missed by an organization by such ineffective management can be eliminated by spending only a fraction of such cost on effective human resource management. Thus human resource management is a great asset for any organization.

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Aman Bansal

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