
what is difference between courses of mechanical engg, industrial engg,production&industrial engg offered by iitd, iitg? please explain in detail? r d jb oppurtunites,eligibility equal for dem?

what is difference between courses of mechanical engg, industrial engg,production&industrial engg offered by iitd, iitg? please explain in detail?
r d jb oppurtunites,eligibility equal for dem?


2 Answers

Pramod J AskiitiansExpert-IIT-B
36 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

 the difference between two is that in M.E you will found more automobile and manufacturing but it in Production engg it is more focus on the management skills such as production management, industrial management so many other management.

On campus in electrical engineering, we refer to industrial engineers as glorified business majors.

Industrial Engineering has more to do with manufacturing and process flow than say modifying an engine or something like a mechanical engineer would do.

But all three are equally good but depending on the company requirement they prefer different branches.

all the best !!!

Rathod Shankar AskiitiansExpert-IITB
69 Points
13 years ago

Dear koduru

Mechanical engineering : structures. thermo dynamics, aerodynamics, solid mechanics, Electrical(2 subjects)

Industrila Eng : solid Mechanics , fracture mechanics, structures, chemical eng ( 2 subjects like that)

Production : structures, composites, frcature mechanics, mechanics and dynamics


? ?mechanical is ever green dept. and production and industrial (Reliance like companies, oil compnies ONGC) eng also have great opporutunities



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IIT Bombay

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