
request urgent views on bits pilani cs (bitsat score 354) vs itbhu electronics or iit guwahati civil (air ~3100)...

request urgent views on bits pilani cs (bitsat score 354) vs itbhu electronics or iit guwahati civil (air ~3100)...


3 Answers

ramesh g
41 Points
14 years ago

BITS Pilani CS for sure

Sukhendra Reddy Rompally B.Tech Mining Machinery Engg, ISM Dhanbad
93 Points
14 years ago

BITS Pilani CS

BITS Pilani is better dan both IITG and IT BHU

and u r getting CS der

choose BITS with ur eyes shut

can u gimme ur yahoo/gmail ID?

plzzz approve my answer if u like it

s nigam
16 Points
14 years ago

After significant analysis i am joining itbhu electronics. Thanks to all inputs

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