Flag Branch Ranking of IIT> which college to choose for mtech?...
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hi, i got selected to m.tech structural engineering in iit roorkee and iit kharagpur which will be better in your opinion? regarding placement wise also.

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Lekshmi S , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 2 Answers
ashish kumar

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Dear Lekshmi,

IIT Kgp is better than IIT Roorkee in terms of both academics and placement and also the college is much better than in National ranking than Roorkee. You should prefer youe desired rank in Kharagpur.

Thank you.

Lekshmi S

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


thank you for your answer. but now also i am in confusion because i some of my freinds are telling roorkee will be better sice me from civil and i am not so much bothered about the rankng of iit. ofcourse i know kgp comes above roorkee in national ranking. but is  iit  kgp much better in academics and placement than roorkee?

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