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1]   Iength of Iatus rectum whose focus is {-1 1}& directrix 4x+3y-24=0?

2]  2x+y+k=0[k is a constant]is a normaI to y^2=-8x ,then k=?

3]  sIope of commom tangent to paraboIa y^2=16x & x^2=2y is?

4]  a straight Iine G whvse sIope is m,

passes through pt {2 0} and intersects y^2-4x+4=0 in distinct pts, hence m Iies in the intervaI?

5]  the extremities of Iatus rectum of a paraboIa are {3 -2} & {3 0}, if the foot of directrix is in the 4th quadrant then the eqt of directrix can be?


kiran tribhuvan , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Aman Bansal

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

dear kiran,

SOLUTION : 1.Parabola is a curve whose distance from a fixed point (focus) and the fixed line (directrix) is equal.

Thus using this condition we can evaluate the equation in the std. form and then LR.

3.   slope =1

4. the line cuts in 1 distict pt. or in more than 1 pts. ...?

5.  2y^2+x=0

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