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Sir , I got obc 711 in IIT 2010 . I may get chemical or civil in IIT Delhi and cse or electrical in new iits . What to u suggest me ? If Delhi then which is better civil or chemical regarding opportunities

deepak venkat , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Manisha Sharma

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Deepak,

Congratulations !

With this rank offcourse i would suggest you to go for old IITs, as these are well establised & better in terms of placement as compared to new IITs.

           If you are getting choice between Chemical & Civil from IIT Delhi, first i will suggest you to go with your interest. But if you can generate interest in both streams then i would suggest you to to go for Civil Engineering from all aspects


Thanking you

Manisha Sharma

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