Flag Botany> why the tropical deciduous trees shed the...
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why the tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves
  1. to protect itself from heat and water
  2. to enhance rate of respiration and rate of absorption
  3. to reduce the rate of transpiration
  4. to save energy

swayam , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Hello Student
Correct answer is 2. To enhance rate of respiration and rate of absorption
In homogenic XX female individuals one X – chromosome gets chracteristically condensed and inactivated. Such chromatin material is called facultative heterochromatin. Since it becomes inactive in certain part of the life cycle and resumes activity before entering the germ line. This heterochromatinized in active chromatin body is called sex chromatin or Barr body.

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