
Why the pteridophyte are more adaptive terrestrial plant as compare to Bryophytes

Why the pteridophyte are more adaptive terrestrial plant as compare to Bryophytes


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 97 Points
3 years ago
Dear student
he pteridophytesare flowerless, seedless, sporeproducing vascular plant, which have successfully invaded the land.Pteridophytes represent an intermediate position between Bryophytes and Spermatophytes (Gymnosperm and Angiosperm). They are also called as vascularcryptogams.
Bryophytaincludes the simplest and primitive land plants, which are characterised bythe persence of independent gametophyte and parasitic sporophyte). The vascular tissue (i.e.,xylem and phloem) are completely absent as they do not posses true leaves, stem and roots for absorption.
Askiitians expert

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