
Why should we conserve forests and wildlife? Why should we conserve forests and wildlife?

 Why should we conserve forests and wildlife?
 Why should we conserve forests and wildlife?


1 Answers

Harshit Singh
askIITians Faculty 5963 Points
3 years ago
Dear Student

Conservation of forest is important as forest is useful to us in many ways:
(i) Provides raw material for timber industry.
(ii) Prevents soil erosion and flood.
(iii) Provides medicines, herbs, gum, resin.
(iv) Provides habitat to many animals.
(v) Maintain water-cycle by bringing rain fall.
Wildlife conservation is important because:
(i) It maintains ecological balance in nature.
(ii) It also maintains the forests by facilitating growth of plants in different places by dispersing seeds.
(iii) By grazing grass it also maintains the soil fertility.
(iv) It also helps in cleaning of forest.


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