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Why Mendele sweat pea plant in there experiments?and write the defination of 1)hearidity 2)variation 3)gene 4)factors 5)inbreeding?

Sudarshan Dongare , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

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The advantages of using pea (Pisum sativum) for experimental breeding work are:

  1. Easy to grow in a range of climates
  2. Relatively fast generation time
  3. Variable in easily scored traits (flower colour, hairs, pod morphology)
  4. Easy to control pollination and hand-pollinate
  5. Self-fertile, so that through inbreeding, lines can be developed that are genetically homogenous for particular traits

Simran Vinaik

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

We can explain the terms in the following way
1) Heredity:Heredityis the process by which characteristics are passed on from parents to their children.
2) Variation: This refers to differences among organisms of the same species due to the differences in the genes they inherit and the environment they survive in.
3) Gene: It is a segment of DNA which encodes a protein responsible for a pheotype or a character. These are the units of inheritance- meaning they are passed on from parents to offsprings.
4) Factors:: Gregor Johann Mendel had called genes as factors.
5) Inbreeding: Itis the mating of individuals or organisms that are genetically closely related, resulting in increased homozygosity and consequently an increase in the occurrence of recessive traits.

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