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Why is water pollination so rare amongst higher plants??

Ruchika Sagar , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 3 Answers

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Water pollinated plants are aquatic. Pollen floats on the water’s surface drifting until it contacts flowers. This is called surface hydrophily, but is relatively rare (only 2% of pollination is hydrophily). This water-aided pollination occurs in waterweeds and pondweeds. In a very few cases, pollen travels underwater. Most aquatic plants are insect-pollinated, with flowers that emerge from the water into the air. 
Many of the water-pollinated plants have become invasive throughout the United States.

Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student 
In flowering plants, pollen has to get from one flower to another. There are two main ways that this can happen: by non-living things like wind or water, or by living things such as insects or birds. Maize (called corn in some parts of the world) is pollinated by wind.


Last Activity: 4 Years ago

hey friend
By waterPollination by water, hydrophily, uses water to transport pollen, sometimes as whole anthers; these can travel across the surface of the water to carry dry pollen from one flower to another.
Usually plants rely on animals or the wind to pollinate them. When animals such as bees, butterflies, moths, flies, and hummingbirds pollinate plants, it's accidental. They are not trying to pollinate the plant. ... When they move to another flower to feed, some of the pollen can rub off onto this new plant's stigma.
thank u

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