
Which of these is not a characteristic of the root bears no bud bears unicellular hair greenish in colour have no nodes

Which of these is not a characteristic of the root


5 Answers

Saloni Rakholiya
104 Points
10 years ago
i think it is greenish in colour......
23 Points
10 years ago
greenish in color bcauz they dont require photosynthesis
12 Points
10 years ago
Answer : Nodes. cz only  stem posses nodes n roots do not. If there was no option about nodes then the answer would have been buds cz buds develop on nodes.
Saloni Rakholiya
104 Points
10 years ago
greenish in colour is true . because of these reasons:
roots definately bears no bud
roots bears unicellular hair to increase the surface area and  absorb more nutrients from soil.
roots have  no nodes . nodes are only present in stem.
stem is in green colour but roots are in  brown colour . roots definately dont have chlorophyll and thus greenish in colour is not a charecteristic  of roots.
12 Points
10 years ago
I did not read the options correctly so sorry for answering wrong.

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