Flag Botany> Which of the following is incorect about ...
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Which of the following is incorect about grasslands ?
  1. Pampas – South America
  2. \t
  3. Velds – South Africa
  4. \t
  5. Downs – USA
  6. \t
  7. Prairies – Canada

AGNEYA , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Simran Vinaik

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Below is the list of major grasslands of the world. Downs is in Australia so 3 is incorrect about grassland.

Grasslands --------Regions
Downs -------------Australia
Pampas -----------South America (Argentina & Uruguay)
Prairies-------------- North America
Savannah------------ Africa and Australia
Selvas------------------South America
Steppes---------------- Europe and Northern Asia
Taiga-------------------- Europe and Asia
Velds-------------------- South Africa
Lianos------------------- Venezuela (South America)
Pustaz-------------------- Hungary
Canterbury--------------- NewZealand

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