Which of the following is/are contained in purple sulphur bacteria(1) bacteriochlorophyll(2) bacterioviridin(3) bacteriopurpurin(4) all of the above(5) only (1) and (3) [(1) & (3) are one and the same](6) only (1) and (3) [(1) and (3) are different pigments](7) both (1) and (2)
Parth Verma , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
1 Answers
Simran Vinaik
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
Purple bacteria doesnt contain Bacterioviridin. They have Bacteriochlorophyll a and b and Bacteriopurpurin. Green sulfur bacteria contains Bacterioviridin pigment. So answer is only 1) and 3)