
What is ploidy of aleurone layer in maize seed?is it a part of scutellum or endosperm?

What is ploidy of aleurone layer in maize seed?is it a part of scutellum or endosperm?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Dr.Adam Shaik
askIITians Faculty 387 Points
7 years ago
Ploidy number represents the number of chromosomes present in nucleus of any cell.
Aleurone layer is a part of Endosperm.
In maize seeds the aleurone.
The ploidy condition is triploid n maize.519-1197_20170306161958!Seed_layers.jpg
Yash Chourasiya
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
4 years ago
Dear Student

Ploidy number represents the number of chromosomes present in nucleus of any cell.
Aleurone layer is a part of Endosperm.
In maize seeds the aleurone. The ploidy condition is triploid in maize.

I hope this answer will help you.
Thanks & Regards
Yash Chourasiya

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