
What does cymose refers in plants can someone please explain it?

What does cymose refers in plants can someone please explain it?

Grade:12th pass

3 Answers

Aabid Hussain
askIITians Faculty 576 Points
7 years ago
Hi Raj,

Cymose is a type of infloresence ( the arrangement of flower on the branches or stem )in which the first-formed flower develops from the growing region at the top of the flower stalk (see illustration). Thus no new flower buds can be produced at the tip and other flowers are produced from lateral buds beneath.
168 Points
7 years ago
Cymose is akind of inflorosence in which all flowers are arranged into a definite manner in which one flower terminate on one axis and all other will are arranged in it`s arround .
Sheetal kumari
106 Points
7 years ago
Inflorescences (how the flowers are arranged on floral axis)are of two types racemose and cymose cymose inflorescence means that one flower will terminate on one axis and others.are arranged all around it

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