Flag Botany> the movement of lamina lobe of dionaea is...
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the movement of lamina lobe of dionaea is
  1. thigmonastic
  2. photonastic
  3. seismonastic
  4. thermonastic

raghav , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Apoorva Arora

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

The movement of lamina lobe of dionaea is thigmonastic. Thigmonastyorseismonastyis thenasticresponse of aplantorfungusto touch or vibration. Thigmonasty is especially prevalent in themimosagenus.
Thigmonasty differs fromthigmotropismin that it is independent of the direction of the stimulus. For example, tendrils from a climbing plant are thigmotropic because they twine around any support they touch. However, the shutting of avenus fly trapis thigmonastic. The time scale of thigmonastic responses tends to be faster than thigmotropism because thigmonasty depends onturgorandbistablemechanisms rather than growth or cell division. Certain dramatic examples ofrapid plant movementsuch as the sudden drooping ofMimosa pudicaare fast enough to observe without time lapse photography.

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